
STATE v. MC a child

Result : Probation

Client was charged with 2nd Degree Felony Fleeing to Elude, 3rd Degree Felony Burglary of Unoccupied Structure, and a 1st Degree Misdemeanor Obstruction of Justice. Client had a lengthy juvenile record that scored detention. Tampa criminal lawyer Jason Mayberry negotiated a plea eliminating the Fleeing to Elude. As a condition of the plea negotiation, the State Attorney’s Office would not recommend detention. Additionally, Tampa criminal attorney Jason Mayberry transferred the case to the client’s home county where the client could work with a trusted Department of Juvenile Justice representative. Such representative was very familiar with the client and his family. After speaking with the DJJ representative, no detention was received and the client received probation only.


Result : Credit For Time Served

Client was charged with 19 counts of theft related third degree felonies. Client faced a sentence allowing for all counts to run consecutively rather than at the same time. Video evidence doomed any chance of trial and negotiation was the only option. Tampa felony lawyer Jason Mayberry successfully negotiated a plea deal for time served and 3 years of probation with minimal probationary restrictions.


Results : Withhold of Adjudication, Restitution Only

Client charged with one count of felony Grand Theft. Tampa theft crime attorney Jason Mayberry negotiated a deal consisting of a Withhold of Adjudication and Probation consisting of repayment of the allegedly stolen funds. Client was later able to seal his criminal record because of only receiving a withhold of adjudication.


Results : Pre-Trial Diversion

Client was charged with felony Grand Theft and Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card. Both charges are deemed crimes of dishonesty. Tampa criminal attorney Jason Mayberry informed the Prosecutor of his client’s desire to attend medical school showed that she was in the process of doing so. Using this information and citing that Client had only one traffic misdemeanor on her criminal history, Tampa criminal lawyer Jason Mayberry Pre-Trial Diversion for his client. By entry and successful completion of Pre-Trial Diversion, Mayberry’s Client had the opportunity to have the charge dropped.


Results : Case Dropped

Client is an immigrant who is a very well respected citizen in his community. Client had no history of violence and absolutely no criminal history. Client inadvertently stayed in the United States beyond the time frame of his Visa. After an altercation involving his wife and a troublesome neighbor, the neighbor lunged in the front door of our client’s home and toward our Client’s wife in the kitchen. Witnessing the neighbor’s actions, Client went to the kitchen and told the neighbor to leave. When the neighbor refused, Client grabbed a baseball bat and again demanded that neighbor leave. Neighbor called the police and our Client was unjustifiably arrested in Pinellas County for Aggravated Assault, a deportable felony. Because Client had overstayed his Visa an immigrations hold was issued after his arrest. After much communication with the Pinellas County State Attorney’s Office, Tampa criminal lawyer Jason Mayberry was able to show the shortcomings of the State’s case and convince the State Attorney’s Office to DROP ALL CHARGES against his client.

Client Reviews

I have to be honest. I was facing two felony aggravated assault charges and a firearm charge. Drunk in a blackout and no recollection of the road rage event. Not much for any attorney to go on to save my Butt. My Wife found the add for Mayberry law firm and we called. Jason spent well over an hour...


I was in the Tampa area on a family vacation earlier this year, when I suddenly found myself facing a felony charge of child neglect. My world and life, it seemed, were headed for total disaster. I was facing having my very long, successful and spotless military career coming to a horrible end. I...


Having never been arrested before I was completely terrified and ignorant to the judicial process. Jason provided emotional support and the knowledge and experience I needed. He was available 24/7 for all of my concerns and questions. He was efficient, comforting, and extremely intelligent. I had...


My wife was facing false accusations that she misrepresented her Income on mortgage applications and was facing serious time as this was a federal crime. Jason worked diligently with her and myself daily on all the details of the sentencing potentials whether positive or negative to our benefit and...


My husband I went to Tampa for the NFL game. We went to Ybor City and had a few drinks and got into an argument while going back to our hotel. After a long night of drinking and arguing, the police came out of nowhere and stated that my husband hit me. AT best, he was gesturing with his hands. It...


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